Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO is the umbrella term for a set of actions which can be taken to ensure your website is 'optimised' to achieve higher ranking for specific keywords within search engines, such as Google and Yahoo! As a result of higher search engine positioning, SEO drives free ‘organic’ search engine traffic to your website, relevant to the subject matter of your website.

SEO is broadly divided into 3 overlapping categories: Technical SEO, On-Page SEO and Off Page SEO.

Technical SEO

Refers to the process of optimizing your website for the “crawling” and “indexing” phase, helping search engines view, interpret and list your site effectively

On-Page SEO

Refers to optimisation of all the structure and content of the pages within your site to help search engines understand the meaning and context of your site.

Off-Page SEO

Refers to a series of actions you can take outside of your site to build online trust through mentions elsewhere on the Internet during the ranking process.

Why is SEO important?

Search engines such as Google are critical to your survival! Search Engines are the vehicles by which your hotel can reach customers around the world, but up to 30% of small and medium sized businesses cannot be found by Google search.

The key by-product of well executed SEO is that it increases awareness and drives qualified search traffic by virtue of improved ranking, but as a result of the increased traffic comes more online conversions and ultimately more sales. SEO not only reduces your customer acquisition cost, but also increases your online sales by turning ‘lookers into bookers’.

Studies show that up to 70% of search engine users are most likely to visit one of the top 5 results for a given search term, so in today’s highly competitive hospitality industry, if you want to be visible, you have to do SEO.

What is our approach to SEO?

We take a holistic data-driven approach to digital marketing and SEO is always at the forefront of our mind when we plan, design and build hotel websites.

It's now harder than ever to make your hotel website stand out from the crowd. Our team of experts have honed their SEO skills by constantly monitoring hundreds of sites and measure outcomes to ensure our SEO projects are on track.

  • Research your target audience.
  • Research your competitors.
  • Improve Technical SEO.
  • Design effective SEO strategy.
  • Implement effective Link building and outreach program.

Why work with GroHotel Solutions?

GroHotel Solutions has a proven track record in building SEO campaigns for hotels and resorts, we create websites that build momentum!

We do not have a magic formula for getting you to #1 for every search term (beware of people who tell you they do!), but we use a data-driven approach, with experience and track record of success, we help deliver tangible results for our customers